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Eurosystem will introduce new €10 banknote in 2014

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2013-11-27 07:44

ECB press release: Eurosystem will introduce new €10 banknote in 2014 with support from partnership programme

The Eurosystem will unveil the new Europa series €10 banknote on 13 January 2014 and issue the note later in the year.

To support its introduction, a Eurosystem Partnership Programme has been set up for banknote equipment manufacturers and suppliers as well as clients and users.

At a seminar taking place today in Brussels, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the national central banks (NCBs) of the euro area – the Eurosystem – launched a Partnership Programme to help banknote equipment manufacturers and suppliers, as well as clients and users of banknote handling machines and authentication devices in addition to other parties to prepare for the introduction of the new €10 banknote. The Eurosystem will unveil the new Europa series €10 banknote on 13 January 2014 and issue the note later in the year.

“The ECB and the national central banks of the euro area look forward to working closely with the manufacturers, suppliers, operators and owners of banknote equipment as they prepare their machines and devices to accept the new €10 banknotes next year”, said Ton Roos, Director Banknotes at the European Central Bank, at the seminar.

Under the Partnership Programme, the Eurosystem will:

- provide partners with a range of tools and materials to help them prepare for the introduction of the new banknotes ;

- communicate extensively about the need to adapt cash-handling machines and authentication devices to the new banknotes ; and

- distribute leaflets about the new banknotes to points of sale across the euro area at the end of June 2014, ensuring cash handlers have ample opportunity to prepare for their circulation.

Users of banknote authentication devices and handling machines will need to contact the suppliers or manufacturers of that equipment in order to prepare it for the new €10 banknote. If they plan to purchase a device or a machine, they should check with the suppliers if it can be adapted to accept the new banknotes. Lists of banknote authentication devices and handling machines that have been adapted to accept the new €5 are available on the ECB’s website ( The lists will be updated in early 2014 to include information on the equipment that accepts the new €10 banknote.

Further information about the new €10 banknote is available under the “Partners” section at This section provides information on updating banknote equipment and will include details of testing opportunities with the new banknotes.


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