Citibank Romania Partners with Pioneer Investments to Offer Portfolio Diversification and Growth Opportunities

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2010-11-17 18:05

Through the new collaboration with Pioneer Investments (managing Luxembourg domiciled funds), Citibank Romania continues to introduce new investment products linked to assets classes from various financial markets, supporting its retail customers in developing a well-balanced and diversified portfolio.
Pioneer International investments is present in 31 countries worldwide and provides solutions from across the entire investment spectrum. Pioneer Funds invests in a wide range of attractive shares and bonds, in a broad investment universe from the entire world, with the objective of achieving medium and long term returns through broad diversification and selection in global markets.

Emerging Europe and Mediterranean Equity, Emerging Markets Bonds, Euro Corporate Bond, Euroland Equity, Global Select, Strategic Income and US Pioneer Fund are some of the 20 Pioneer funds that have been attentively selected through fundamental research, quantitative research and evaluation of portfolio management and are now available through Citibank Romania.

In addition to the local partnerships with Pioneer Investments and ING asset management, Citibank distributes over 400 investment funds managed by 14 different fund house partners. The fund house selection criteria are based on Citibank permanent interest in offering its clients best-in-class products, which are most suitable to their financial future plans.

In order to start investing, a client doesn’t necessarily need a significant amount.

The investment funds distributed by Citibank provide several advantages to clients, as compared to the traditional financial instruments, among which:
• Professional portfolio management (The fund manager permanently ensures that the selected financial instruments help maintain and improve the fund’s performance);
• Diversification (Placing money in investment funds is a way to diversify the portfolio);
• Potential increases (Through investments, clients may obtain possible return on investments on long term, which are higher than the ones offered by classic savings instruments. The potential return on investments is given by the selected fund, the time horizon of client’s investment and his attitude towards risk);
• Diversity (Funds invest in almost any type of financial instruments on various markets, industries and geographical areas around the world);
• Dividend reinvestment (Dividends and capital gains may be automatically reinvested by the fund manager in order to acquire new fund units without any extra charge on the client’s part).

Luis Tomassoni, Retail Head at Citibank Romania declares: “Our permanent interest in developing the investment offer for retail customers demonstrates Citibank Romania’s commitment to excellence in its banking products and services portfolio. Through constant innovation and valuable partnerships, we facilitate our customers’ access to best-in-class banking”.

About Citi

Citi, the leading global financial services company, has approximately 200 million customer accounts and does business in more than 160 countries and jurisdictions. Through Citicorp and Citi Holdings, Citi provides consumers, corporations, governments and institutions with a broad range of financial products and services, including consumer banking and credit, corporate and investment banking, securities brokerage, transaction services, and wealth management. Additional information may be found at or

About Citibank Romania

Citi has been present in Romania since 1996 and provides high-quality financial products and services to national and international companies, small and middle enterprises, the public sector, non-profit organizations and individuals. Additional information may be found at


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