Stiri din eticheta: dobanzi credite nevoi personale

RZB and RBI have passed a resolution on merger exchange ratio

The Management Boards of Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich AG (RZB) and Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) have passed a resolution on the exchange ratio for the merger of RZB and RBI. The current RBI free float percentage will be 34.9 per cent (previously 39.2 per cent, in each detalii

RBI and Alior Bank end negotiations on the sale of the core banking operations of Raiffeisen Bank Polska

Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) and Alior Bank S.A. have not reached an agreement with regard to the sale of the core banking operations of Raiffeisen Bank Polska S.A. and have ended the sales negotiations, said the bank in a statement. The sale of Raiffeisen Bank Polska was part detalii

Topul celor mai puternice 131 de banci din Europa: Banca Transilvania este printre primele 40, alaturi de bancile grecesti, conform rezultatelor ABE

Autoritatea Bancara Europeana (ABE) a publicat ieri rezultatele exercitiului de transparenta aferent anului 2016, care releva principalii indicatori ai celor mai mari 131 de banci din Europa, printre care se regaseste si Banca Transilvania, a treia mare banca din Romania, dupa BCR si detalii

Johann Strobl to become CEO of Raiffeisen, once merger of RZB and RBI takes effect; Karl Sevelda resigned

The Supervisory Board of Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) has appointed Johann Strobl (57) as CEO of the combined bank comprising Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich AG (RZB) and RBI. The appointment will become effective once the merger has been entered in the commercial register, said detalii


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