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FMI avertizeaza ca bancile au prea multe titluri de stat

Fondul Monetar International (FMI) avertizeaza ca bancile romanesti detin prea multe titluri de stat, astfel ca Banca Nationala a Romaniei (BNR) trebuie sa le ceara rezerve suplimentare de capital, in vederea contracararii potentialelor riscuri. FMI precizeaza in raportul de tara detalii

IMF statement of the 2018 Article IV Mission to Romania

The Romanian economy is growing strongly, unemployment has fallen to a record low, and the financial sector is improving. But without policy changes, growth will turn increasingly fragile, according to an IMF press release. For one, inflation could increase further, with possible social detalii

IMF concludes article IV consultation with Romania

IMF Executive Board Concludes Article IV Consultation with Romania and Ex-Post Evaluation of Exceptional Access Under the 2013 Stand-By Arrangement
May 25, 2017 On May 22, 2017 the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) concluded the Article IV consultation [1] detalii

Czech Magic : Implementing Inflation-Forecast Targeting at the CNB

This paper describes the CNB’s experience implementing an inflation-forecast targeting (IFT) regime, and the building of a system for providing the economic information that policymakers need to implement IFT. The CNB’s experience has been very successful in establishing confidence detalii


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