Stiri din eticheta: Icredit

RBI: Extraordinary General Meeting approves merger with RZB

RBI: Extraordinary General Meeting approves merger with RZB (press release): The Extraordinary General Meeting of Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) has approved the merger with Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich AG (RZB) by a clear majority. “The merger of RZB and detalii

Sibex a aprobat fuziunea prin absorbtie cu BVB

Adunarea Generală Extraordinară a Acționarilor (AGEA) Sibex a hotărât, luni, fuziunea prin absorbție cu Bursa de Valori București (BVB) cu unanimitate de voturi, se arată într-un raport al bursei din Sibiu, remis Agerpres. "Se aprobă de principiu fuziunea cu Bursa de detalii

RZB and RBI have passed a resolution on merger exchange ratio

The Management Boards of Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich AG (RZB) and Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) have passed a resolution on the exchange ratio for the merger of RZB and RBI. The current RBI free float percentage will be 34.9 per cent (previously 39.2 per cent, in each detalii

UniCredit presents 2016-2019 Strategic Plan

The Board of Directors of UniCredit S.p.A chaired by Giuseppe Vita, has approved the 2016-2019 Strategic Plan, Transform 2019, which will be presented to analysts and investors at the Capital Markets Day today in London. As announced on 11 July 2016, the strategic review encompassed all detalii


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