Stiri din eticheta: Erste Bank

Erste Group CEO Bernd Spalt decides not to renew contract

A year before the upcoming renewal of his contract as CEO of Erste Group, Bernd Spalt has informed the Nomination Committee of the Supervisory Board that he has decided not to renew the contract as CEO, which runs until 30 June 2023, said the bank in a statement: This decision results from diverging views about the future strategic long-term direction of the Group. The Supervisory Board will initiate the process for succession in the relevant bodies once the Nomination Committee has been reconstituted following the upcoming Annual General Meeting (18 May detalii

Erste Group, recunoscuta pentru egalitatea de gen

- Indexul Bloomberg privind egalitatea de gen (GEI) recunoaște companiile listate public care au demonstrat un angajament pentru susținerea egalității de gen - Grupul Erste, acționarul majoritar al Băncii Comerciale Române, a fost detalii

BNR ar putea creste dobanda la 2%

Banca Nationala a Romaniei (BNR) ar putea majora dobanda de politica monetara la 2% in sedinta de politica monetara din 9 noiembrie, apreciaza analistii Erste Bank, actionarul majoritar al detalii

BNR va majora dobanda in 9 noiembrie

BNR va majora dobanda in 9 noiembrie, estimeaza economistii Erste Bank. Motivele? Inflatia in crestere, ajustarea fiscala sub asteptari, cresterea cursului de schimb valutar si ingustarea diferentei de dobanda fata de alte detalii


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