Stiri din eticheta: reclamatie IFN

List of global systemically important banks (G-SIBs)

The Financial Stability Board (FSB), in consultation with Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) and national authorities, has identified the 2016 list of global systemically important banks (G-SIBs), using end-2015 data and the updated assessment methodology published by the BCBS in July detalii

UniCredit is undertaking an in depth Group-wide strategic review

As announced on 11 July 2016, UniCredit is undertaking an in depth Group-wide strategic review, the outcome of which will be unveiled at a London Capital Markets Day on 13 December 2016, said the bank in a statement.

The strategic review is focusing on how to reinforce and optimize detalii

Unicredit Bank Romania si-a majorat profitul cu 67%, la 65 milioane euro

Unicredit Bank Romania a obtinut in primele noua luni din acest an un profit net consolidat de 65 milioane euro, cu 67% mai mare decat cel din perioada similara a anului trecut, conform raportului trimestrial publicat de banca-mama din Italia. (vezi prezentarea) In trimestrul trei din detalii

UniCredit confirms it has received offers for Pioneer Investments

UniCredit confirms it has received offers to acquire Pioneer Investments and that it is in discussions with potential buyers, said the bank in a statement. 

As announced on 11 July 2016, UniCredit is undertaking an in depth Group-wide strategic review, focusing on how to detalii


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