Stiri din eticheta: reclamatie IFN

Unicredit to post a record loss of Euro 11.8 billion

Unicredit Group financial results are impacted by a number of negative non-recurring items of which approximately Euro 12.2 billion were disclosed at UniCredit's Capital Markets Day, on December 13th, 2016, in the context of the presentation of the 2016-2019 Strategic Plan ("Transform 2019"), detalii

UniCredit Bulbank (Bulgaria) sells non performing credit portfolio to Debt collection agency EAD (DCA), the Bulgarian subsidiary of B2Holding ASA

UniCredit announces the sale, through its subsidiary UniCredit Bulbank (Bulgaria), of a Bulgarian non performing credit portfolio composed of secured/unsecured loans granted to corporate customers

UniCredit announces it has reached an agreement with DCA in relation to the disposal on detalii

UniCredit and SIA finalize the sale of card processing activities in Italy, Germany and Austria

Following the press release issued on August 3rd 2016, UniCredit Business Integrated Solutions (Ubis) and SIA have closed the sale of the card processing activities in Italy, Germany and Austria for a consideration of €500 million in cash (equal to a P/EBITDA of approximately 12x) on detalii

Unicredit se restructureaza masiv: inchide 1.000 de sucursale, concediaza 14.000 de angajati, vinde credite neperformante de 18 miliarde euro si o banca din Polonia; ce face cu subsidiara din Romania?

Carlo Vivaldi, seful diviziei Unicredit pentru Europa Centrala si de Est, a prezentat in cadrul conferintei Capital Markets Day sustinuta astazi la Londra noua strategie a grupului italian in tarile din regiunea noastra, inclusiv in Romania, in conditiile in care grupul italian a luat decizia de detalii


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