Alte stiri din categoria: BANCI

Noutati BNR

BNR, buletin de conjunctura aprilie 2011: anticipatii mixte in industrie, dar favorabile in constructii

Opiniile formulate de participanţii la sondajul de conjunctură realizat de BNR pentru luna aprilie indică evoluţii divergente ale principalilor indicatori economici la nivelul industriei, în timp ce perspectiva în construcţii se va ameliora pe fondul îmbunătăţirii condiţiilor climatice. Producţia industrială va marca o posibilă întrerupere a traiectoriei crescătoare, coborârea soldului conjunctural1 la nivelul de -9 la sută sugerând chiar posibilitatea unei uşoare restrângeri a volumului activităţii, o evoluţie asemănătoare fiind anticipată şi pentru portofoliul total al comenzilor (cu contribuţia componentei externe). Sectorul construcţiilor va consemna însă o revigorare sezonieră a ambilor indicatori. Estimările formulate de operatorii detalii

Noutati BCE

Report on the results of the survey on the access to finance of SMEs in the euro area – September 2010 to February 2011

The European Central Bank (ECB) is publishing today its fourth report on the results of the “Survey on the access to finance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the euro area”. This survey round was conducted between 21 February and 25 March 2011, covering an increased sample of 7,532 firms in the euro area. The report provides information on the financial situation, financing needs and access to financing of SMEs in the euro area, compared with large firms, in the six preceding months (i.e. from September 2010 to February 2011). According to the survey results, euro area SMEs’ external financing needs increased slightly between September 2010 and February 2011. At the same time, the survey results show that access to bank loans continued to improve, albeit detalii

Noutati BCE

Results of the April 2011 bank lending survey for the euro area

The European Central Bank (ECB) is publishing today its report on the results of the April 2011 bank lending survey for the euro area. The bank lending survey, which is conducted four times a year, usually at the beginning of each quarter, was developed by the Eurosystem in order to enhance the understanding of bank lending behaviour in the euro area. The results reported in the April 2011 survey relate to changes in the first quarter of 2011 and expectations of changes in the second quarter of 2011. This survey round included one ad hoc question aimed at gauging the extent to which the situation in the financial markets is affecting banks’ credit standards for loans and credit lines to enterprises and for loans to households in the euro area. The April 2011 bank lending survey was detalii

Noutati BCE

Interview with Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the ECB

Interview with Helsingin Sanomat and Kauppalehti Interview with Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the ECB , conducted on 20 April 2011 by Mr Jorma Pöysä (Kauppalehti) and Mr Juhana Rossi (Helsingin Sanomat), published on 26 April 2011. Question: As you may know, a populist and euro-hostile party called True Finns won the general election in Finland last weekend, obtaining almost one-fifth of the votes. Are you worried that this anti-euro sentiment will grow in other euro area countries? Could it dampen the willingness of triple A countries to accept new rescue arrangements and therefore slow the gradual recovery from the recession and the debt/banking crisis? As a central bank we issue a currency for absolutely all political sensitivities. We are the guardian of a public good detalii



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