Alte stiri din categoria: ENGLISH


Loans granted to SMEs by Garanti Bank increased in average by 20% in the last four years

The appetite for financing of the local small and medium enterprises has been constantly developing for the past years, Garanti Bank registering an annual average growth of 20% in the SME segment from 2010 and up to the present, said the bank in a statement. Garanti Bank, one of the most detalii


Positive outlook for Romania’s economy: the GDP’s annual growth rate revised at 2.9% by Garanti Bank

Garanti Bank, one of the most innovative and dynamic banks on the local market, revised the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth expectations for 2014 from 2.6% to 2.9% in its latest Quarterly Macroeconomic Report, corresponding to Q2 2014, said the bank in a statement. This is due to detalii


EBRD delegation visits Romania

A delegation from the EBRD’s Board of Directors is on a four-day mission to Romania where the group will visit the capital Bucharest and nearby counties of Buzău and Ialomița. The visit is part of a regular series of consultations that enable EBRD Directors to better understand the priorities for the local economy and to maintain close dialogue with Romania’s authorities, private sector and civil society. Representatives of the EBRD Board on this visit include: Jérôme Baconin, France
Tamsyn Barton, European Investment Bank
Anthony Bartzokas, Greece/Portugal
Evren Dilekli, Turkey/Romania/Azerbaijan/Kyrgyz Republic
Virginia Gheorghiu, Turkey/Romania/Azerbaijan/Kyrgyz Republic
András Karman, Hungary/Czech detalii


European Commission approves restructuring aid for Greek bank Alpha Bank

The European Commission has found the restructuring plan of the Greek Alpha Bank, including the acquisition and integration of Emporiki Bank, to be in line with EU state aid rules. The measures already implemented and those envisaged in the future will enable the bank to return to viability, detalii


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