Publicatie online stiri bancare

5 bankers aspire to be part of the TAROM board

Autor: Bancherul.ro
2012-09-17 20:49
The consultant consortium of PwC Romania, D & B David Baias and recruitment firm George Butunoiu sent to the Ministry of Transportation the list of people to be recruited to form the private management of public air company TAROM, as it was established with IMF.

For a place in Tarom Board of Directors, a non-executive function, compete more bankers, in order of proposals from the list:

1. BOGDAN SERGIU OPRESCU, Alpha Bank chairman, described as "one of the most respected bankers in Romania". Oprescu is also on the list for a place of CNADNR CA, Romanian roads company.

2. Peter Weiss, former president of ABN Amro Romania and Bancpost.

3. DAN CORNELIU PASCARIU, chairman (non-executive) of UniCredit Tiriac Bank

4. DAN LEONARD SANDU, MKB Nextebank president.

5. FLORIN KUBINSCHI, Vice President (CFO, COO) at MKB Nextebank, described as "one of the most appreciated by the central bank CFOs Romanian banking sector."

Recruiting people for the private management of TAROM is based on Government Emergency Ordinance (EO) No.109 of 30 November 2011, the corporate governance of public companies.