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Credit Agricole Bank Romania launches new retail loans

Autor: Bancherul.ro
2012-09-10 12:22
Credit Agricole Bank Romania enlarges its retail mortgage loans portfolio with two new products – construction and modernization loans, said the bank in a statement.

The construction loan is addressed to individuals who wants to build or expand an immobile, on a land already owned. If the client has an immobile already built and he wants to modernize, rehabilitate or consolidate it, than he can apply for a modernization loan.

The value of the loan can reach up to 300,000 EUR or equivalent for the construction one and up to 200,000 EUR or equivalent for the modernization one. The loans can be obtained for a 30 years maximum period, with an debt burden up to 62%. The interest rates are very advantageous for the clients that are receiving their income in the bank’s accounts.

These products are completing the wide existing range of loans offered by the bank to its customers – personal loan with or without mortgage, refinancing loan, mortgage loan for a house acquisition, overdraft and Prima Casa mortgage loan. Along with competitive advantages of the products, the customer benefits of high standard quality services and personal counselling from the bank’s employees in the branches.

“The improvement of our existing portfolio of retail products demonstrates our intention of supporting the current economical situation in Romania and of helping our clients, by being more flexible and able to respond to their various financial needs”, declared Mr. Pierre Martin, CEO of Credit Agricole Bank Romania.