Publicatie online stiri bancare

ING Group AGM adopts 2011 Annual Accounts

Autor: Bancherul.ro
2012-05-15 15:58
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of ING Groep N.V. today adopted the 2011 Annual Accounts, said the bank in a statement.

In addition, the AGM appointed Wilfred Nagel as a member of the Executive Board. Wilfred will fulfil the role of Chief Risk Officer.

The AGM extended the appointment of Ernst & Young as the external auditor of the Company by two more financial years, with the assignment to audit the annual accounts of the financial years 2012 and 2013.

The AGM appointed Jan Holsboer, Yvonne van Rooy and Robert Reibestein to the Supervisory Board, the latter as per 1 January 2013, as previously announced.

Prior to the AGM Aman Mehta withdrew his nomination for reappointment as member of the Supervisory Board, after negative advice on this point from shareholder advisory groups over the number of board positions Aman Mehta holds. Therefore his membership of the Supervisory Board has ended as of the end of today's AGM. ING regrets the decision by Aman Mehta, and thanks him for his valuable contributions over the last years.

After the AGM, the Supervisory Board of ING Group consists of:

Jeroen van der Veer, Chairman

Piet Klaver

Peter Elverding, Vice-Chairman

Joost Kuiper

Tineke Bahlmann

Robert Reibestein*

Henk Breukink

Jan Holsboer

Yvonne van Rooy

Lodewijk de Waal

Sjoerd van Keulen

Luc Vandewalle

* as of 1 January 2013