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NBR: Bank loans increased by 0,9% in March

Autor: Bancherul.ro
2012-04-26 11:58
At end-March 2012, non-government loans granted by credit institutions added 0.9 percent (0.5 percent in real terms) from February 2012 to RON 224,305.6 million, sait Romanian central bank in a statement.

RON-denominated loans increased by 1.4 percent (0.9 percent in real terms), whereas foreign currency-denominated loans rose by 0.6 percent when expressed in RON, but fell by 0.1 percent when expressed in EUR.

At end-March 2012, non-government loans climbed year on year by 10.0 percent (7.4 percent in real terms), on the back of the 5.7 percent increase in RON-denominated loans (3.2 percent in real terms) and the 12.6 percent advance in foreign currency-denominated loans expressed in RON (when expressed in EUR, forex loans expanded by 5.8 percent).