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Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Romania has increased its capital with 323 million lei (75 milion euro)

Autor: Bancherul.ro
2011-12-22 12:46
Intesa Sanpaolo Bank is increasing its capital with 323 million lei (75 million euro), by issuing new shares, underwriting pro-quota by the two shareholders, said the bank in a press release.

The value of the capital increased with 65% from 491.111.110 lei up to 814.111.110 lei. Following the capital increase, the percentages shares remained unchanged: Intesa Sanpaolo SpA owns 99,61% from the shares and Intesa Sanpaolo Holding International S.A. 0,39%.

This capital increase proves once more the trust of the Group in its bank active in Romania and the strong commitment towards our country. This increase will sustain the consolidation of the bank’s position and operations on the local market and also the merger process between Intesa Sanpaolo Bank and CR Firenze scheduled for the first half of the year.

Ezio Salvai, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Intesa Sanpaolo Bank said: "Intesa Sanpaolo Group is one of the most solid financial institutions in the world with an adequate level of capital, fact confirmed also by the latest estimation of EBA. According to this Intesa Sanpaolo is one the two European financial groups present in Romania who doesn’t need additional capital. In the current economic context the support of our strong shareholders is an important competitive advantage and a sign of trust for all our partners and in the future of the country. “

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank is part of Intesa Sanpaolo Group, one of the top banking groups in the Euro zone and the leading player in Italy in the retail, corporate and wealth management business areas. Thanks to a well-spread network of over 5,500 branches it offers a wide range of services to about 11 million customers in Italy. Intesa Sanpaolo’s international activities are focused in Central Eastern Europe and Middle Eastern and North African areas, where it operates in 13 countries through retail and commercial banks with more than 1,700 branches and 8.3 million customers. Moreover, an international network is present in 29 countries to support corporate customers.