Publicatie online stiri bancare

Millennium Bank offers cashback of up to 100 lei per month for its debit cards attached to Salary account

Autor: Bancherul.ro
2011-09-05 11:21
Millennium Bank clients can now receive back money for purchases made with their debit card attached to the bank’s Salary account. The new Card with Cashback feature returns clients up to 100 lei monthly of the amount spent for purchases made at supermarkets and gas stations throughout Romania. Clients receive the bonus over the following month directly to their Salary account and can use it however they wish, said the bank in a press release.

“This new feature truly differentiates Millennium Bank’s Salary account offer by giving it a real competitive edge on the Romanian market through a tangible and consistent consumer benefit. The decision to reward supermarket and gas station payments is strongly connected to clients’ behaviour, our statistics indicating that two out of three purchases paid with a debit card in Romania are performed at these merchant categories. The Card with Cashback is a debit, and not a credit card, so clients don’t pay any interest and, in addition to that, they receive bonuses in money”, Eliza Erhan, Head of Retail Product Development with Millennium Bank, stated.

Clients receive back 3%, up to 100 lei monthly, of the purchases’ value of at least 300 lei. The minimum amount of 300 lei can be cumulated from an unlimited number of transactions at supermarkets and gas stations, regardless of their individual value.

Clienţii primesc înapoi 3%, în limita a 100 de lei lunar, din valoarea cumpărăturilor de minimum 300 de lei. Suma minimă de 300 de lei poate fi cumulată dintr-un număr nelimitat de tranzacţii la supermarketuri şi benzinării, indiferent de valoarea individuală a acestora.

Millennium Bank’s Salary account is destined to clients who transfer regularly their monthly income to the bank. The account is available in lei and has zero administration fee, zero withdrawal fee from Millennium Bank ATMs, as well as for two withdrawals per month from other banks’ ATMs, zero administration fee for Internet Banking and Call Center services and zero administration fee, during the first year, for the debit card attached to the account.

The launch of Card with Cashback feature will be promoted through an advertising campaign developed on TV, radio, print, outdoor and indoor media.