Publicatie online stiri bancare

CEC Bank signed a partnership for the thermal insulation of buildings

Autor: Bancherul.ro
2011-08-23 16:06
CEC Bank and building materials producer Adeplast signed a protocol under which the state bank will grant loans with subsidised interest to the associations that want to thermally insulate blocks of apartments.

According to a press release, the Protocol on Thermally Insulating Romania (PTR) will have the bank providing loans at subsidised interests to apartment owners’ associations, which will cover from their own funds only one third of the cost of the operation.

The protocol will enjoy the support of local councils, which will facilitate the process of issuing the due authorisations and achieving the rehabilitation and energy auditing of the building, but will have no financial contribution of their own.

“By initiating PTR, we created a profitable opportunity for all parties involved. Tenants will pay 30-40 per cent less for heating, the companies involved will produce added value at country scale, and authorities will administer localities at European ecological standards,” said Marcel Barbut, the owner of Adeplast.