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OTP Bank Romania continues the „Right to Read” campaign

Autor: Bancherul.ro
2011-01-31 12:38
OTP Bank Romania continues its social responsibility campaign, the “Right to Read”. The first stage of the campaign brought successful results, during 2010. 53 schools were equipped with more than 30.000 books, thus bringing the joy to read to more than 11.000 children. This social initiative is supported by the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport, institution involved in facilitating the access to the disadvantaged schools.

Through this campaign, OTP Bank supports a cause that has clear effects on the harmonious development of each child: the access to reading. In 2011, OTP Bank begins by donating books to 6 schools from the following villages: Cucerdea and Lunca (Mures County), Mircesti (Iasi County), Sahateni (Buzau County), Saelele (Teleorman County), Siculeni (Harghita County). These schools were selected based on the recommendations received from the campaign supporters.

The same as in 2010, the books collection will be done in all the OTP Bank Romania units and the Humanitas bookstores. OTP Bank encourages everybody to support the case and give children from disadvantaged rural areas the chance to discover their childhood stories.

“We strongly believe that everybody has its own part in the improvement of the environment we live in. We committed ourselves to a cause which shows remarkable results after only one year of campaign. But, in order to provide the opportunity for joyful reading to all the children from the disadvantaged rural areas, both we and the civil society have to do much more. Our campaign has a great impact and the number of supporters continuously grows. We ask everybody to donate as many books as they can and to suggest us more disadvantaged schools that need our support”, said László Diósi, CEO OTP Bank Romania.

OTP Bank Romania is the member of OTP Banking Group, the largest independent Central-Eastern-European banking group. OTP Bank provides universal financial services in Hungary, Romania, Montenegro, Croatia, Bulgaria, Russia, Ukraine, Slovakia and Serbia, for more than 12 million clients, through almost 1500 branch offices, the ATM network and electronic channels.