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COSMOTE Alpha Bank Fidelity Card can pay your COSMOTE bill

Autor: Bancherul.ro
2010-10-12 12:41
COSMOTE Romania and Alpha Bank announce today the launch of the fidelity co-branded credit card - COSMOTE Alpha MasterCard. This strategic partnership gives the chance to pool the knowledge of each company in its field of expertise. The agreement between the two companies is a perfect example of an innovate convergence between telecommunications and banking industries, by offering the customers of both companies benefits that ease their every day lives, said the bank in a handout.

This new co-branded credit card is a strong customer proposition aiming to redefine the tenets in loyalty programs. COSMOTE Alpha MasterCard comes with very advantageous loyalty benefits, offering customers a discount from COSMOTE of 3% from the value of COSMOTE services’ invoice paid with the new co-branded credit card and of 3% for phones and accessories bought with this credit card from COSMOTE stores. Moreover, for all the purchases made with the new co-branded credit card with other merchants than COSMOTE’s, the customers will receive back from Alpha Bank 1% of each transaction value. All these 3 loyalty benefits will be displayed on the customers’ COSMOTE mobile phone subscription invoices (services’ invoices) by reducing their value correspondingly.

“We have worked closely with Alpha Bank to create a brand new loyalty program, offering COSMOTE subscribers a collection of benefits and rewards. This initiative comes to meet our customers’ needs, in the context of a difficult economical environment and of the consumption power decrease,” said Mr. Stefanos Theocharopoulos, CEO COSMOTE Romania.

“This new product is the result of a considerable effort of Alpha Bank Romania and COSMOTE, with the scope of adding valued benefits to their common clients. We believe that we can build on this product a successful partnership translated in rewards and financial comfort for clients and a loyal customer portfolio. It is our promise towards clients and COSMOTE that the bank will spare no effort on building and developing this partnership for their equal benefits” said Mr. Sergiu Oprescu, Executive President Alpha Bank Romania.

The co-branded credit card is available for both new and existing residential postpaid customers of COSMOTE Romania who can apply for the credit card COSMOTE Alpha Bank MasterCard in 50 COSMOTE Romania and Germanos stores, in a first stage. The card will also be available from January 1st 2011 to all COSMOTE and Germanos network. All customers who successfully apply for the credit card will also benefit from a bonus at COSMOTE which can be used at the moment of applying for the credit card. The customers can use this bonus in order to further decrease the price of any mobile phone bought along with a new subscription or at the renewal of the existing subscription contract concluded with COSMOTE, or for buying accessories and other communication products in COSMOTE or Germanos store the customer applied in.

The credit card COSMOTE Alpha Bank MasterCard is issued under MasterCard International logo in RON, with a maximum limit of six net monthly incomes, up to the equivalent in RON of Euro 10,000 and has a grace period of maximum 55 days.

More details related to COSMOTE Alpha Bank MasterCard are available on www.cosmote.ro, www.alphabank.ro and www.germanos.ro .