Publicatie online stiri bancare

Millennium Bank cards offer discounts in Elmec Romania stores

Autor: Bancherul.ro
2010-08-26 16:37
Millennium Bank clients now benefit from 7% discounts when paying with the debit or credit cards in Elmec Romania stores. The partnership between the fashion and sports retailer and Millennium Bank is part of the Discount Programme launched by the bank and includes stores all over the country, said the bank in a press release.

Launched in 2009, Discount Programme offers Millennium Bank card holders discounts of up to 30% when paying with the card for purchases at the bank’s merchant partners.

The programme includes approximately 135 merchants with 350 locations all over the country and covers fields such as health, tourism, restaurants, fitness and beauty centres, electronics and fashion stores etc.

The list of Millennium Bank’s merchant partners is available on the bank’s website, www.millenniumbank.ro. The partnership with the bank is also signalled at each merchant location.

Millennium Bank’s cards portfolio includes Visa and MasterCard, credit and debit cards, with chip, for individuals and for companies.