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Emporiki Bank rewards its customers

Autor: Bancherul.ro
2010-08-02 10:31
Emporiki Bank, member of the French Group Credit Agricole, offers the mortgage campaign gift to its clients, an LCD TV.

The Mortgage campaign, held between June 1 and July 9, 2010, provides to customers which had purchased a personal loan with mortgage or a mortgage loan, an LCD TV Philips gift, without a ballot.

The campaign regulation mentiones that customers who applied during the campaign and have loans approved and disbursed will receive the gift at the end of each month.

Therefore Friday, July 30, 2010 Emporiki Bank branches invites its customers to take possession of the gift.

On this occasion Mr. Benoit Sarraute, Deputy General Manager of Emporiki Bank – Romania, state that: „All around us in the society customers are expected to pay for everything. We thought it is time for them to have something in return. Emporiki Bank offered to its customers through the Mortgage campaign, which finality we celebrate these days with these awards, beside the benefits of our competitive mortgage products a solid relationship based on trust and safety to build on their future financial needs.

The list of this month customers who will receive the gift, LCD TV, is announced on the website of Emporiki Bank, www.emporiki.ro.

Crédit Agricole Group is the retail bank leader in France and one of the largest banking groups in the world with 160,000 employees, 59 million customers and 11,500 branches in 70 countries Crédit Agricole Group occupies third position in Europe and eighth worldwide location based on the core capital ratio (Tier 1). Since August 2006, Crédit Agricole Group is the main shareholder of Greek bank Emporiki Bank, currently holding 82.48% of its capital.

Emporiki Bank Group, member of the French Group of Crédit Agricole, has 340 branches and 16 business centers throughout Greece, along with a growing branch network via its subsidiaries in Cyprus, Albania, Romania and Bulgaria. Via its wide branch network, which is being upgraded according to the high standards of a new, modern retail branch model, and having the significant know-how and support of its mother company, offers a wide range of innovative products and services covering the current saving, financing and investment needs of its customers in Greece and abroad, where both Emporiki and Crédit Agricole are present.

Emporiki Bank Romania operating in Romania since 1996, headquartered in Bucharest. 99.54% of Emporiki Bank Romania's capital is held by Emporiki Group. The Bank operates through a network of 34 territorial units, as an integrated commercial bank and provides a wide range of banking services and products, such as cash loans, loans for purchase of housing, credit and debit cards , Internet banking, financing the short / medium / long both in RON and in international currency, daily transactions (current account transfers, cash transactions), savings and investments, business documentation, etc. treasury services.