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Bank loans edged up 1.4 percent

Autor: Bancherul.ro
2010-06-24 17:27
National Bank of Romania: At end-May 2010, non-government loans granted by credit institutions edged up 1.4 percent (1.2 percent in real terms) from April 2010 to RON 203,112.1 million. RON-denominated loans decreased 0.1 percent (down 0.3 percent in real terms), whereas foreign currency-denominated loans rose by 2.4 percent when expressed in RON and by 1.1 percent when expressed in EUR. At end-May 2010, non-government loans climbed year on year by 2.0 percent (down 2.3 percent in real terms), on the back of the 6.7 percent increase in foreign currency-denominated loans expressed in RON (when expressed in EUR, forex loans expanded by 6.7 percent) and the 4.7 percent reduction in RON-denominated loans (down 8.7 percent in real terms).