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Erste Group to strengthen Management Board: Johannes Leobacher joins as member for GCIB

Autor: Bancherul.ro
2009-03-31 09:45
At today's meeting of Erste Group Bank AG's Supervisory Board, Johannes Leobacher was appointed to the Management Board of Erste Group, said the bank in a press release.

He will be responsible for Group Corporates and Investment Banking and will take up his responsibilities on the Management Board with effect from 1st April 2009.

He takes the place of Franz Hochstrasser, who had been acting as interim Head of Group Corporate and Investment Banking since Johannes Kinsky passed away unexpectedly in June 2008. Mr. Hochstrasser will continue to fulfil his original responsibilities as Deputy Chairman of the Management Board and Head of Group Markets.

Johannes Leobacher (44) is married and was born in Salzburg. A graduate in economics, he joined one of Erste Group’s predecessor banks – GiroCredit - in 1990. Since then he has held various management positions in the trading and treasury divisions, as well as in structured finance where his focus was on corporate finance advisory, M&A and restructuring of loan portfolios. In the ten years leading up to his appointment to the Management Board of Erste Group, he has been heading the Group’s Capital Markets Division and has gained a reputation for running one of Europe’s most efficient capital markets operations. As a result, Mr. Leobacher not only has the required experience for his new role, but knows Erste Group and all of its operations extremely well, which will be a great asset to his division’s further development and future success.