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Banca Romaneasca changes the loan agreements in the clients’ benefit

Autor: Bancherul.ro
2009-02-05 16:58
Banca Romaneasca will start in February 2009 an informing campaign for the clients, related to the change of some clauses from the loan agreements. The new provisions are in compliance with the legal regulations in force.

“Developing a transparent relation based on trust is part of Banca Romaneasca strategy to improve the communications with its clients. By introducing the new changes in the loan agreements, the client will have the possibility to have a permanent control on the loan”, stated Lakis Couninis, Retail and Network Executive Director in Banca Romaneasca.

Thus, part of the Bank’s clients will be informed, in writing, in order to conclude an addendum to the loan agreement, through which the borrower will have the following advantages:
• The bank will have to inform the client regarding any interest change. In this way, the client will be constantly informed about his monthly rate;
• Defining more clearly the variable interest rate and setting precise dates when the variable interest rate can change. Therefore, the client will know when the interest rates can change, giving him the advantage to better manage the payments;
• Setting the maximum limits for the reference interest rate, limits that the bank cannot exceed. The client will be protected in case of important interest rate variations;
• Clearly mentioning in the loan agreements the monthly management fees of the related accounts. The client will know exactly which the real costs are.

Signing the addendum does not involve, in any way, changes in the loan cost and nor supplementary efforts for the clients.

The clients will receive the notifications at home, together with the addendum that will have to be signed and than submitted to the closest post-office or to any Banca Romaneasca branch.

About Banca Romaneasca

Banca Romaneasca has a share capital of over 200 million euro, a national network of 150 branches and 16 years experience on the Romanian banking sector. .
In October 2003, the largest financial group in South-Eastern Europe, National Bank of Greece (NBG) bought the majority package at Banca Romaneasca, having at present 89, 07% of its share capital. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is another important shareholder, having 10, 21 % of the bank's share capital. Presently, NBG has the highest liquidity level in South-Eastern Europe, being market leader in Greece, regarding the attracted deposits.
NBG Group is the oldest and largest financial group in Greece, being founded in 1841 and quoted at Athens Stock Exchange since 1880. Starting October 1999, it has been quoted at New York Stock Exchange. National Bank of Greece has an experience of over 160 years of activity, with a strongly international presence – over 1700 branches.
In Romania, among the representative companies being under the National Bank of Greece control, there also are: ETEBA Romania, Garanta Insurance and NBG Leasing.