Publicatie online stiri bancare

Raiffeisen Leasing a facut un provizion de 1 milion de lei pentru amenda de la Consiliul Concurentei

Autor: Bancherul.ro
2020-11-15 10:51

Raiffeisen Leasing a facut un provizion de 1 milion de lei pentru amenda reprezentand 8% din cifra de afaceri primita de la Consiliul Concurentei in cadrul investigatiei privind piata de leasing si de credite de consum initiata in noiembrie 2017.

Consiliul Concurentei a precizat, pentru Bancherul.ro, ca rezultatul final al investigatiei va fi publicat in acest an.

Iata informatiile dintr-un raport al Raiffeisen Bank:

"The litigation between Raiffeisen Leasing IFN S.A. and the Romanian Competition Council

The Romanian Competition Council initiated an investigation in November 2017 on the financial leasing and consumer credit market in Romania.

The Investigation was focused on an alleged coordination of the
commercial policies by way of an exchange of commercially sensitive information between financial leasing companies, members of several trade associations, including ALB Romania, starting with 2008.

Following the communication of the Report at the end of 2019, the investigated companies, including Raiffeisen Leasing IFN S.A., submitted to the Competition Council a series of Comments on the report, arguing the lack of guilt, both in the Observations and Hearings.

As a result, in the deliberation meeting which took place on 25.02.2020, the Plenum of the Competition Council decided that the Investigation Report cannot lead to sanctioning the investigated companies and sent back the Report to the investigation team, in order to complete the analysis.

So far, the case team has not completed the new analysis, so a new Investigation Report has not been communicated yet to Raiffeisen Leasing I.F.N. SA.

The Company continues to work closely with the competition authority and takes all necessary steps to clarify the facts investigated by the Competition Council, as well as to support the correctness of the conduct adopted by the Company in connection with the Investigation.

As of June 30, 2020, considering that the final fine is not yet available, the provision booked by the Group in respect of this legal dispute is in amount of RON 1,028 thousand (2019: RON 1,028 thousand).

This represents the best estimate of the possible loss, considering 2 scenarios weighted with related

Consiliul Concurentei face urmatoarele precizari cu privire la stadiul acestei investigatii, la solicitarea Bancherul.ro:

Investigatia se afla in stadiul de obtinere de la companiile investigate si de la autoritatile europene de concurenta a opiniilor acestora cu privire la raportul preliminar finalizat de echipa de investigatori, in urma caruia s-au stabilit si sanctiuni.

De exemplu, Raiffeisen Leasing a primit o amenda de 8% din cifra de afaceri. (vezi aici detalii).

Propunerile din raportul echipei de investigatie reprezinta draftul pe baza caruia conducerea Consiliului Concurentei va stabili forma finala a investigatiei, in functie de observatiile primite de la companiile investigate si de la autoritatile europene.

Finalizarea raportului este intarziata. Presedintele Consiliului Concurentei, Bogdan Chiritoiu, declarase ca acesta urma sa fie publicat la finalul lui 2019.

Finalizarea raportului este intarziata si din cauza pandemei coronavirsului, spune Consiliul Concurentei, pentru ca unele companii au cerut amanarea termenului de trimitere a opiniilor acestora, invocand criza.

Raportul final ar fi trebuit finalizat in iulie, insa va fi decalat, dar cu siguranta va fi finalizat in a doua parte a acestui an, spune Consiliul Concurentei.

Forma finala a raportului va fi publicat, conform procedurilor Consiliului Concurentei.