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Garanti Bank appoints Bogdan Neacsu as Chief Risk Officer

Autor: Bancherul.ro
2015-08-06 10:24

Garanti Bank, one of the most innovative and dynamic banks on the local market, appointed Bogdan Neacșu (photo) as Deputy General Manager, responsible with coordinating Risk Area activities: Risk Management, Permanent Control, Compliance and Corporate Governance, said the bank in a statement.

He will exercise his new responsabilities only after finishing the authorization process with NBR, looking to provide his role and contribution in ensuring sustainable growth of Garantı Bank in Romanian Banking system and market developement. 

Bogdan Neacșu has over 10 years of experience in the banking industry, previously having held the position of Chief Risk Officer and Management Member within Volksbank Romania.

“Bogdan Neacșu has great experience in credit risk and his contribution in Garanti Bank will certainly be significant. We are confident that he will help implement the Garanti philosophy at the highest standards”, stated Ufuk Tandoğan, CEO Garanti Bank.

Garanti Bank’s new Deputy General Manager has graduated from the Faculty of Finance and Banking, within the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest, in 2002. He developed his career mainly in Risk and Control system area. Starting in 2004, he was appointed as economist at the Regulation and Licensing Department, Prudential Regulation Service, within the National Bank of Romania. Subsequently, he held several management positions in the risk area of other banks.

About Garanti Bank Romania

Garanti Bank Romania is part of the financial-banking group Garanti Romania, which brings together Garanti Leasing (the brand under which the company Motoractive IFN SA operates) and Garanti Consumer Finance (the brand under which Ralfi IFN operates).

Garanti Bank is held by Turkiye Garanti Bankasi AS (TGB), the largest private bank in Turkey in terms of market capitalization. TGB is a universal bank with leading presence in all business lines. The bank serves to more than 10 million customers in corporate, commercial, SME, and consumer segments offering fully integrated financial services.

Garanti Bank offers a series of quality products and services for all business segments: retail, SME and corporate, and it is one of the most dynamic and innovative banks on the local market. Present in Romania since 1998, the bank has developed a solid portfolio of clients and expanded its national presence through branches and alternative channels, reaching an extended network of 84 branches and over 300 intelligent ATMs that can be used by anyone, not just bank customers, for transactions with or without cards.

Garanti Bank’s internet banking service, Garanti Online, was awarded in July 2014 by the worldwide-recognized Global Finance magazine as “Best Consumer Internet Bank in Romania”, for the second time in a row, within the “2014 World's Best Internet Banks Competition”.