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Garanti Bank finances Sunflower Grand Apartments with EUR 6 million

Autor: Bancherul.ro
2015-05-11 09:07

Garanti Bank, one of the most dynamic and innovative banks on the local market, granted a EUR 6 million loan to General Concrete Land Development for the financing of the residential project Sunflower Grand Apartments, in Bucharest. The funding was granted for a period of three years, said the bank in a statement.

“We are happy to finance the third high quality project of Sunflower Residential Parks. Garanti Bank is a keen supporter of ambitious real estate projects, that actively contribute to the city’s development. We are very active on the corporate segment and have registered increasingly positive results thus far from this business line. The EUR 6 million loan enforces our long term commitment of supporting the local economy. Last year we granted EUR 200 million in corporate loans and we will further continue in this endeavor in 2015 as well”, stated Cagri Memisoglu (pictured), Deputy General Manager at Garanti Bank.

“Our latest residential project, Sunflower Grand Apartments is designed to offer top-class apartment units, in the heart of the capital city, carefully partitioned to provide the most useful living atmosphere functioning in harmony and efficiency. The successful collaboration with professional designers, partners and suppliers ensured our project’s high quality and ultimate must-have trends that are explored all around the world. We are confident that all the residents of our complex will fully benefit from the advantages of the central location, the functionality of the space for family activities and the sense of security and protection”, declares Alper Turan Cetinoglu, General Manager at General Concrete Land Development.

Sunflower Grand Apartments is located on Grigore Manolescu Street, in close proximity to Victoriei Square. The residential project in downtown Bucharest comprises of high quality apartments and this year will be fully delivered.